Healthy Lives | Safe Communities | Happy Families

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal“

Welcome to our website

Partners for Humanity Foundation evolved out of several research studies undertaken by a team focusing on refugees and immigrants in Alberta, and internally displaced, famine-ravaged families in Northeastern Kenya. Through these researches, communities have told us where urgent and immediate actions are needed to support and help people to achieve large-scale social impacts. 

Word of the Executive Director

Ahmed Noor

How do we move together as a society?

We want to make the community feel empowered, equal, and part of the system.  What we do is more than research— Policy on results—we assess if policy has met its intended objectives including aspects related to relevance, impact, design and delivery. We're at the forefront of developing effective, community-driven research and policy analysis, shaping the discourse on key issues affecting underrepresented Albertans the most including mental health concerns by recognizing the power of and responsibility of storytelling.We embark with the community and government institutions on a journey, so that we are together as we sail off together—all hands-on deck! We want to see, feel, share all those experiences together with clarity.
How do we achieve that clarity?
We have an action-oriented, evidence-based approach in advancing knowledge of the complex barriers faced by underrepresented groups. Issues arising due to differences in approaches to expectations, and priorities; the challenges to organizations, generational expectations and differences; and strategies for bridging the gap.

Business Number: 779705920
Corporate Access: 5018308089